Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Instead of thanking individuals, I just want to say that I am thankful for each and every person that has changed me in some way. Whether for better or worse, I am thankful for every moment that has brought me to where I am right now.
Okay, on to other random thoughts...
Even though the rain is making my hair frizzy, I love it. Well, I mean, I love it when I'm inside all warm and cozy and I can hear rain outside. Like right now. I want some hot chocolate and marshmallows.. mmm.
I want a new phone, but I still have my plan for another year. Well I do like the one I have [even though I cracked the screen].. but I want a new one just because. Maybe I just want to buy something. Yay for Black Friday! Don't know if I'm gonna go shopping though. We shall see.
I should be sleeping. Why do I stay up for no reason when I have time to sleep?! Next week I'm gonna be so tired and I'll think back to this moment and think, "I should have slept early." Haha.
Okay, I'll stop typing nonsense. Peace out. Hope everyone has a good day.. enjoy the days off until it's back to reality! Nooooo! :)
A few ways to say "thank you":
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
It's hitting me that this is the last week of November that I will be teaching. Then we have Thanksgiving week off and we come back and it's already December?!
So that means I have about one month left with my second graders before I change placements and go to -- dun dun dunnnn -- upper grade!
The kids are seriously so big and tall.. it's intimidating when I think about it. I know that I just need to set the tone from the beginning that I am their second teacher and I just can't show that I'm nervous. I guess it's just the fact that there's going to be a big jump in the curriculum. But oh well, I've always believed that what is meant to be will be. That I am going to be placed in a certain classroom, with a certain teacher and certain students -- for a reason. It's so much easier to just take life as it comes and just deal. Life is not perfect -- we have to work every minute of every day.
Rob and I used to talk about wanting to be "incredibly happy." I've learned that happiness or anything positive in life is nothing without the journey. Be thankful for the times in life that changed you for the better. And the things that helped you to appreciate the good things that you have.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving.. I miss my family. What I really miss the most is being a kid. But don't we all?
Anyway, I just wanted to come and do a quick post since I haven't in a while. I also wanted to post my fortune from the fortune cookie I ate earlier.
So that means I have about one month left with my second graders before I change placements and go to -- dun dun dunnnn -- upper grade!
The kids are seriously so big and tall.. it's intimidating when I think about it. I know that I just need to set the tone from the beginning that I am their second teacher and I just can't show that I'm nervous. I guess it's just the fact that there's going to be a big jump in the curriculum. But oh well, I've always believed that what is meant to be will be. That I am going to be placed in a certain classroom, with a certain teacher and certain students -- for a reason. It's so much easier to just take life as it comes and just deal. Life is not perfect -- we have to work every minute of every day.
Rob and I used to talk about wanting to be "incredibly happy." I've learned that happiness or anything positive in life is nothing without the journey. Be thankful for the times in life that changed you for the better. And the things that helped you to appreciate the good things that you have.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving.. I miss my family. What I really miss the most is being a kid. But don't we all?
Anyway, I just wanted to come and do a quick post since I haven't in a while. I also wanted to post my fortune from the fortune cookie I ate earlier.
"Your efforts will be worthwhile."
Definitely fits with what I've been thinking about.. and reminds me to keep pushing through. I can't wait to look back on this year, but at the same time -- I need to remember to experience it.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
miss it.
I started packing for Vegas and decided to play random music from my laptop, when all of a sudden "Like You'll Never See Me Again" started playing. I realized how much I love that song and how old it is! Haha. Anyway, I stopped what I was doing and really listened. I really felt like watching a video of a dance to the song, so I looked around on youtube. I watched some videos which kept leading me to different videos [some which really sucked], but in the end it made me realize -- I MISS DANCING!!! :(
I haven't performed or even just danced since our last 909 performance which was in June! I didn't realize how much I miss it until today. Even earlier today, during my classes, I kept accidentally kicking my friends sitting across from me because my feet just wanted to move for some reason!
I really wish I had the time to dance.
I know, I know.. you make time for the things you want to do. I've heard it before and I say it all the time. But honestly, I just don't have the energy.. even if I had the time. Also, I know that if I just took a few classes here and there, then it wouldn't be enough. It'd have to be all or nothing.
Does that make sense? Sometimes if you just have a little taste of something you haven't done in a while, then you wanna just dive right back into it... and right now, I can't afford that! I need to stay focused. It's all about work, work work. I guess this is what it feels like to grow up... :/
I haven't performed or even just danced since our last 909 performance which was in June! I didn't realize how much I miss it until today. Even earlier today, during my classes, I kept accidentally kicking my friends sitting across from me because my feet just wanted to move for some reason!
I really wish I had the time to dance.
I know, I know.. you make time for the things you want to do. I've heard it before and I say it all the time. But honestly, I just don't have the energy.. even if I had the time. Also, I know that if I just took a few classes here and there, then it wouldn't be enough. It'd have to be all or nothing.
Does that make sense? Sometimes if you just have a little taste of something you haven't done in a while, then you wanna just dive right back into it... and right now, I can't afford that! I need to stay focused. It's all about work, work work. I guess this is what it feels like to grow up... :/
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
first time.
Last night, my master teacher e-mailed me saying that she wasn't feeling too good and she wanted to know if I could sub. I said yes, since I don't have night class on Wednesdays.. but then, she changed her mind because she felt guilty. [This week is already a short week, since there's no school on Thursday and Friday due to parent conferences.]
Soo.. my excitement only lasted for ten minutes. Haha. But she told me to be prepared just in case she felt sick the next day and decided to go home during lunch.
I came in today and we got through the morning just fine. Then, ten minutes before lunchtime [when I usually leave], my master teacher asks me if I want to stay for the rest of the day. In my mind I'm thinking -- hmmm, teach for two hours and get paid for a "half day"... hell yeah! Haha.
So I stayed for the rest of the day and it was fun. I subbed for the first time! Yay! Good thing I wasn't that hungry today, because I'm usually starving by lunchtime. Also, for some strange reason I wasn't tired at all by the end of the day. The only thing is I had to go pee SO BAD during the last 30 minutes of school, since I didn't go during lunch. Lesson learned!
One of the other second grade teachers also asked if I could sub for her on Monday, so I'm taking it! There's no school on Tuesday because of Veteran's Day, so all the things I usually do on Monday will be taken care of on Tuesday. Thank goodness my fingerprints went through. It'll be nice to get some monaaay! :) [First though, I need to make back what I paid for the damn fingerprints! Haha.] Alright, gotta get back to work so I can finish in time for dinner tonight with Richie's friends.
Just one long Thursday to get through..
a few hours of planning for next week..
three parent conferences on Friday..
aaaand -- VEGAS!!!
Last night, my master teacher e-mailed me saying that she wasn't feeling too good and she wanted to know if I could sub. I said yes, since I don't have night class on Wednesdays.. but then, she changed her mind because she felt guilty. [This week is already a short week, since there's no school on Thursday and Friday due to parent conferences.]
Soo.. my excitement only lasted for ten minutes. Haha. But she told me to be prepared just in case she felt sick the next day and decided to go home during lunch.
I came in today and we got through the morning just fine. Then, ten minutes before lunchtime [when I usually leave], my master teacher asks me if I want to stay for the rest of the day. In my mind I'm thinking -- hmmm, teach for two hours and get paid for a "half day"... hell yeah! Haha.
So I stayed for the rest of the day and it was fun. I subbed for the first time! Yay! Good thing I wasn't that hungry today, because I'm usually starving by lunchtime. Also, for some strange reason I wasn't tired at all by the end of the day. The only thing is I had to go pee SO BAD during the last 30 minutes of school, since I didn't go during lunch. Lesson learned!
One of the other second grade teachers also asked if I could sub for her on Monday, so I'm taking it! There's no school on Tuesday because of Veteran's Day, so all the things I usually do on Monday will be taken care of on Tuesday. Thank goodness my fingerprints went through. It'll be nice to get some monaaay! :) [First though, I need to make back what I paid for the damn fingerprints! Haha.] Alright, gotta get back to work so I can finish in time for dinner tonight with Richie's friends.
Just one long Thursday to get through..
a few hours of planning for next week..
three parent conferences on Friday..
aaaand -- VEGAS!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
yes, we can.
Yay Obama! During class tonight, one of the professors down the hall kept coming in and updating us on the results, which was pretty exciting. Our professor actually let us out early for once, so once I got home, I turned the news on. I tried getting some work done, but Obama distracted me!
I've never really cared for politics, although I always knew that I should. I remember back in 2004, when Jon tried to talk about it with me and Cat in our dorm room. Haha, that was interesting.
Anyway, I would try to watch the candidates speak, but they never really engaged me. Then came Barack Obama. He's such a good speaker. Not to mention, he's pretty damn handsome. ;) Man, I bet if I was there listening to his speech in person I would have cried for him. I haven't talked to my mom yet, but I'm pretty sure she's upset. Haha. [She's Republican all the way].
Sorry Mom! In my heart I voted for Obama [I won't discuss the reasons why I couldn't vote... :( I tried though].
Anyway, I also say NO on Proposition 8.
Yeah, yeah.. I know I should agree with my religion. But I don't. That's just the way I feel about it; I don't want to discriminate. Maybe I don't know all I should know about it, but from what I do -- that's what I say.
Okay, I shall stop now, because I'm not sure if I'm saying exactly what I felt like saying. Haha. So back to work I go! If you love Obama, go celebrate! And if not, like Fox News said, "Get over it pleeeease! We're going in a new direction."
I've never really cared for politics, although I always knew that I should. I remember back in 2004, when Jon tried to talk about it with me and Cat in our dorm room. Haha, that was interesting.
Anyway, I would try to watch the candidates speak, but they never really engaged me. Then came Barack Obama. He's such a good speaker. Not to mention, he's pretty damn handsome. ;) Man, I bet if I was there listening to his speech in person I would have cried for him. I haven't talked to my mom yet, but I'm pretty sure she's upset. Haha. [She's Republican all the way].
Sorry Mom! In my heart I voted for Obama [I won't discuss the reasons why I couldn't vote... :( I tried though].
Anyway, I also say NO on Proposition 8.
Yeah, yeah.. I know I should agree with my religion. But I don't. That's just the way I feel about it; I don't want to discriminate. Maybe I don't know all I should know about it, but from what I do -- that's what I say.
Okay, I shall stop now, because I'm not sure if I'm saying exactly what I felt like saying. Haha. So back to work I go! If you love Obama, go celebrate! And if not, like Fox News said, "Get over it pleeeease! We're going in a new direction."
Sunday, November 2, 2008
fall back.
Yay I got my car back finally! It has returned to me after 2 months! Ahh!
Anyway, so today was a good day. Claire and I went back home because we were planning on taking the rest of our things out of my grandma's house [my uncle is turning the room into an office]. Instead, we spent time with my parents, aunt, uncle, and grandma. :) We ate at Jollibee, then went to visit my grandpa at the cemetery. There were so many people there; it's nice to see people visiting their loved ones. Anyway, we prayed for a bit, then Claire, my mom, and I went to Brea mall. I picked up my contacts and then we did some shopping.
Now I am home planning out my week and counting down the days to VEGAS! I am so excited! Even though the past few weekends have already been fun and relaxing, I'm looking forward to some hard core partying. Haha.
I've been trying really hard lately to make a decision about what I want to do next year. Should I take a break? Just take some time off to BREATHE, and just sub whenever I want to. OR... Should I just jump into teaching right after graduating?
I wont even have the summer off, since I'll be finishing up my Master classes until August.. AND there's usually training in the summer for first-year teachers.
AH, I don't know, but I need to decide by January since that's supposedly when we start interviews and whatnot. I'll probably go back and forth with my decision, but like I've said... knowing me, I wont be satisfied with only being a sub. I know that I'll want my own classroom, and my own kids -- I want to matter! Not that I'm saying subs are pointless. Ahh!
But on the other hand, I have the rest of my life to work! Man. See what I mean?
Okay, no more thinking about this for now. I can't wait for Christmas! Or just winter time in general, I LOVE IT! :) I've been hearing holiday music in stores already, and even though I'm thinking that it's too early to hear, it's making me want the holidays! Ooh, I want to go to New York! Haha, I feel really random right now. I think I'll watch last week's episode of "Desperate Housewives" before I catch up on some work. Bye for now! Turn your clocks back! :)
Anyway, so today was a good day. Claire and I went back home because we were planning on taking the rest of our things out of my grandma's house [my uncle is turning the room into an office]. Instead, we spent time with my parents, aunt, uncle, and grandma. :) We ate at Jollibee, then went to visit my grandpa at the cemetery. There were so many people there; it's nice to see people visiting their loved ones. Anyway, we prayed for a bit, then Claire, my mom, and I went to Brea mall. I picked up my contacts and then we did some shopping.
Now I am home planning out my week and counting down the days to VEGAS! I am so excited! Even though the past few weekends have already been fun and relaxing, I'm looking forward to some hard core partying. Haha.
I've been trying really hard lately to make a decision about what I want to do next year. Should I take a break? Just take some time off to BREATHE, and just sub whenever I want to. OR... Should I just jump into teaching right after graduating?
I wont even have the summer off, since I'll be finishing up my Master classes until August.. AND there's usually training in the summer for first-year teachers.
AH, I don't know, but I need to decide by January since that's supposedly when we start interviews and whatnot. I'll probably go back and forth with my decision, but like I've said... knowing me, I wont be satisfied with only being a sub. I know that I'll want my own classroom, and my own kids -- I want to matter! Not that I'm saying subs are pointless. Ahh!
But on the other hand, I have the rest of my life to work! Man. See what I mean?
Okay, no more thinking about this for now. I can't wait for Christmas! Or just winter time in general, I LOVE IT! :) I've been hearing holiday music in stores already, and even though I'm thinking that it's too early to hear, it's making me want the holidays! Ooh, I want to go to New York! Haha, I feel really random right now. I think I'll watch last week's episode of "Desperate Housewives" before I catch up on some work. Bye for now! Turn your clocks back! :)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
happy belated.
Halloween is over!
So is Red Ribbon Week!
I hope everyone had fun and didn't use drugs!! :)
Thursday night, Richie and I planned on stopping by Jojo's party to see some 909ers. We were supposed to be pirates, but I didn't have time to make/get a costume during the week. Instead, I improvised and made a 5-minute costume. You can see it in my pictures, haha. Stayed at the party for like an hour and a half, then stopped by Katipunan's party so we could take pictures with my sister and Josh before we headed home. Fell asleep around 1am, thank god I woke up on time the next morning!
On Friday, we did Halloween rotations with the four 2nd grade classes. I baked pumpkin muffins with the kids which was pretty fun. The day went by fast but it was so tiring! More tiring than teaching! We didn't have a meeting after school since the teachers had to finish report cards in preparation for the parent conferences next week. So I just made a math concept poster and headed home around 4:30pm.
Rested for a bit, then had dinner at Chili's with Richie. Mmmm, we love that place! :) We stopped by Wal-mart and then his house before we headed back to my apartment and decided to take a "quick nap" while we waited for Nay to get off of work. What was supposed to be 15 minutes turned into two hours! I freaked out when I woke up at looked at the clock. It was past midnight!! Haha. But anyway, we got ready quickly and headed over to Didi's party. Had lots of fun with Nayremy and I even saw Gwen there!! Took Nay home and dropped Jeremy off, then got home around 5am I think.
Fun Halloween! :) Look at our costumes :)

That's all for now, bye!
P.s. Shoutouts to G and M! Love you! Wish we were all together! :)
So is Red Ribbon Week!
I hope everyone had fun and didn't use drugs!! :)
Thursday night, Richie and I planned on stopping by Jojo's party to see some 909ers. We were supposed to be pirates, but I didn't have time to make/get a costume during the week. Instead, I improvised and made a 5-minute costume. You can see it in my pictures, haha. Stayed at the party for like an hour and a half, then stopped by Katipunan's party so we could take pictures with my sister and Josh before we headed home. Fell asleep around 1am, thank god I woke up on time the next morning!
On Friday, we did Halloween rotations with the four 2nd grade classes. I baked pumpkin muffins with the kids which was pretty fun. The day went by fast but it was so tiring! More tiring than teaching! We didn't have a meeting after school since the teachers had to finish report cards in preparation for the parent conferences next week. So I just made a math concept poster and headed home around 4:30pm.
Rested for a bit, then had dinner at Chili's with Richie. Mmmm, we love that place! :) We stopped by Wal-mart and then his house before we headed back to my apartment and decided to take a "quick nap" while we waited for Nay to get off of work. What was supposed to be 15 minutes turned into two hours! I freaked out when I woke up at looked at the clock. It was past midnight!! Haha. But anyway, we got ready quickly and headed over to Didi's party. Had lots of fun with Nayremy and I even saw Gwen there!! Took Nay home and dropped Jeremy off, then got home around 5am I think.
Fun Halloween! :) Look at our costumes :)
Josh changed! :/
That's all for now, bye!
P.s. Shoutouts to G and M! Love you! Wish we were all together! :)
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