Survey of the year... brought to you by R&L productions.
1) Where did you begin 2008?
L: In Glendale, same as every year.. with all of my relatives. :)
R: In Riverside at my house.
2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
We were still dating. :)
3) Were you in school anytime this year?
L: Yes! My life was/is all about school!
R: Yes.
4) How did you earn your money?
L: Subbing a few times. Or by going home.. my Grandma or my parents like giving us money when we go home.. hahah.
R: Gay Kohls.
5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
L: Only for annual physicals.
R: Yes, for contacts.
6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
L: Yes. Haha. Let's leave it at that.
R: Totally.
8) What did you purchase that was over $1000?
L: Nothing! Not making money yet! Ah!
R: ...
9) Did you know anybody who got married?
L: Yes, my cousin Ate Pauline.
R: Yes, Ate Pauline and Kuya Marlone.
10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
L: No, thankfully.
R: In 2008? No.
11) Did you know anyone who had a baby?
L: A lot of people I know had babies this year!
R: Yes.
12) Did you move anywhere?
L: Nope.
R: Laura's apartment. :)
13) What concerts/shows did you go to?
L: Hmm, good question.. Lemme think.. Power 106 Comedy Fiesta, Wicked twice.. can't think of what else..
R: What she said. Except Wicked only once.
14) Are you registered to vote?
L: I thought I was! But nope. :(
R: Nope.
15) Who did you want to win Big Brother?
L: Does that even exist still?
R: I don't care.
17) Where do you live now?
L: Riversiiiide.
R: R-side.
18) Describe your birthday?
L: Came home from a final and Richie surprised me with lunch and random things. Then I got ready and he took me to Orange Hill restaurant [so pretty]. For my birthday part 2, went to Yardhouse with everyone, drank and yacked like crazy. :)
R: Um, okay... My baby and my family took me out to Asahi Sushi and had a couple of drinks with a crazy Korean chef. Afterwards, we took pictures with the sushi crew, then we went to Florentine's at DTF and lost many brain cells. Many of Laura's friends came and bought me drinks which made me yack on a sad plant. :( Finally, I went home and fell asleep wearing my dirty clothes with my girlfriend next to me. :) <3
19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2008?
L: Hm... hang off of the edge of the Stratosphere? Haha, I don't know, I have a bad memory.
R: Go on Dive Devil at Six Flags and on the ride at Stratosphere. Oh yeah, and I never thought I'd go to Vegas with my friends and not my family. Yesss.
20) What has been your favorite moment?
L: There have been far too many. This year was full of good times, despite being so busy!
R: When I was able to touch the rim.
21) What's something you learned about yourself?
L: I've learned.. that I am useless when I'm bored. Haha. It's better when I'm busybusybusy because I just keep going. But once I stop, I shut down and become lazy. Haha.
R: I'm a real big hypocrite, but I don't do it intentionally.
22) Any new additions to your family?
L: Nope.
R: Nope.
23.) What was your best month?
L: That's hard.. but I guess I'd have to say June, since it was my birthday and graduation!
R: October, because I turned 21.
24.) What music will you remember 2008 by?
L: Wicked soundtrack! I sing the songs everyday.
R: Adrian Hood - Brown Eyed Blues.. and the Wicked soundtrack.
25) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
L: Haha, GOTM? I guess? I'm trying to think of the times that I drank, and they keep popping in my mind.. so yes I'd have to say those lovely ladies.
R: I'd have to say Chun.
27) New friend?
L: The girls from my cohort! Wouldn't be able to survive the program without them.
R: Lots.
28) Favorite Night out?
L: March 22nd.. and nights in Frisco.. GOTM nights, etc., can't pick just one. Haha.
R: Wicked with my baby.
29) Do you think 2009 will be better or worse?
L: Better!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Yay for officially being on break!
Yesterday was our last cohort seminar of the quarter. We played games and ate yummy food. It was fun. We even saw snow! Our supervisor's house is soooo pretty and it made it even better seeing snow all over the yard, on the house, outside around her pond. I want my house to be like hers in the future. Haha.
Last night, Richie and I went to see Wicked. :) Best musical ever! I promised him we would see it together since I already watched it with my family months ago. We'll probably see it again, since Claire wants to take Josh to see it too. Miss Saigon was my favorite for a long time.. and I still love the songs, but you know how I feel about Wicked. Haha. I was singing the songs in my head the whole time, and Richie even recognized a lot of them because of the CD that has been in rotation in my car forever.
Makes me miss singing and dancing even more than I already do. On the way home, we tried singing the harmonies.. nerds, I know. But it reminded me of when Cat and I tried to figure out the harmonies for "Weak." Hahaha. I miss show choir!!!
Anyway, moving on.. today was the kids' last day before vacation. We baked sugar cookies, they made bead wreaths, and there was a Christmas program with the whole school. It was pretty hectic, but what else would you expect from kids that know it's time for presentssss!! Haha.
At the end of school, one of the boys in my class said, "Miss S., don't ever teach at a different school okay?" I laughed, but then I realized that the kids don't know I'm leaving next month. It makes me sad to think that I only have 4 more weeks with my second graders. And who knows where I'll end up after this year! I'm gonna go cry now.... haha.
Now that everyone's free... let's make plans!! Yay for Christmas! Yay for seeing everyone over break! Yay for the new year! :)
Bye for now!
Yesterday was our last cohort seminar of the quarter. We played games and ate yummy food. It was fun. We even saw snow! Our supervisor's house is soooo pretty and it made it even better seeing snow all over the yard, on the house, outside around her pond. I want my house to be like hers in the future. Haha.
Last night, Richie and I went to see Wicked. :) Best musical ever! I promised him we would see it together since I already watched it with my family months ago. We'll probably see it again, since Claire wants to take Josh to see it too. Miss Saigon was my favorite for a long time.. and I still love the songs, but you know how I feel about Wicked. Haha. I was singing the songs in my head the whole time, and Richie even recognized a lot of them because of the CD that has been in rotation in my car forever.
Makes me miss singing and dancing even more than I already do. On the way home, we tried singing the harmonies.. nerds, I know. But it reminded me of when Cat and I tried to figure out the harmonies for "Weak." Hahaha. I miss show choir!!!
Anyway, moving on.. today was the kids' last day before vacation. We baked sugar cookies, they made bead wreaths, and there was a Christmas program with the whole school. It was pretty hectic, but what else would you expect from kids that know it's time for presentssss!! Haha.
At the end of school, one of the boys in my class said, "Miss S., don't ever teach at a different school okay?" I laughed, but then I realized that the kids don't know I'm leaving next month. It makes me sad to think that I only have 4 more weeks with my second graders. And who knows where I'll end up after this year! I'm gonna go cry now.... haha.
Now that everyone's free... let's make plans!! Yay for Christmas! Yay for seeing everyone over break! Yay for the new year! :)
Bye for now!
Monday, December 15, 2008
lazy day.
First of all, congratulations to Nino!
Ah, how exciting for him. Can't wait to be done with this school year!
Anyways, so after Nino's party Saturday night, I slept over Richie's house. Right when I got there i knocked outtttttt. Woke up the next morning and was lazy while he studied! Hahaha. At least I got to watch the newest episodes of "Desperate Housewives" and "Private Practice." Where's "Grey's Anatomy" though!?
Yesterday, I finally got the chance to play MillionHEIR and Iron Chef.. and yep, you guessed it -- I'm addicted. Good thing my Cooking Mama skills came in handy on Iron Chef. Hahahhaa. I was sad that they don't have Bobby Flay on the game though. Oh well.
I've gotten Richie addicted to playing Big Brain Academy with me.. And oh yea! He wants to teach me SC, but it looks scary. Hahaha. I will try when he's done with finals. And I'll kick everyone's ass, watch! Jk.
Okay, back to my DS. :)
I wish I had hot chocolate and marshmallows to go with this rain!
Ah, how exciting for him. Can't wait to be done with this school year!
Anyways, so after Nino's party Saturday night, I slept over Richie's house. Right when I got there i knocked outtttttt. Woke up the next morning and was lazy while he studied! Hahaha. At least I got to watch the newest episodes of "Desperate Housewives" and "Private Practice." Where's "Grey's Anatomy" though!?
Yesterday, I finally got the chance to play MillionHEIR and Iron Chef.. and yep, you guessed it -- I'm addicted. Good thing my Cooking Mama skills came in handy on Iron Chef. Hahahhaa. I was sad that they don't have Bobby Flay on the game though. Oh well.
I've gotten Richie addicted to playing Big Brain Academy with me.. And oh yea! He wants to teach me SC, but it looks scary. Hahaha. I will try when he's done with finals. And I'll kick everyone's ass, watch! Jk.
Okay, back to my DS. :)
I wish I had hot chocolate and marshmallows to go with this rain!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I finished my big Science Unit and I feel gooood. Haha. I'm just glad to have that over with. I also had my exit conference earlier this morning which went well. I found out I'm switching to either 4th or 5th for my next placement [or a 4th/5th combo]. I'm excited. I was scared to go to 6th, but I knew I would step up to the challenge [well, I'd have to, haha] if I ended up there. But yeah, like I've said before -- everything happens for a reason.
Anyways.. I just wanted to blog cause I have a break FINALLY!
I'm going in to sub tomorrow and Friday AND Monday! Yay money! My poor DCT has jury duty though. I wonder when my next jury duty is.. yuck.
Man, I still smell like boiling crab from yesterday. Good times, girls! :)
Will and Grace is on tv right now and Karen is practicing CPR.. reminds me that I still have to take care of that before the end of Winter quarter.
Okay I guess I should sleep now. Weeeee... goodnight!
Anyways.. I just wanted to blog cause I have a break FINALLY!
I'm going in to sub tomorrow and Friday AND Monday! Yay money! My poor DCT has jury duty though. I wonder when my next jury duty is.. yuck.
Man, I still smell like boiling crab from yesterday. Good times, girls! :)
Will and Grace is on tv right now and Karen is practicing CPR.. reminds me that I still have to take care of that before the end of Winter quarter.
Okay I guess I should sleep now. Weeeee... goodnight!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I canNOT concentrate! AH!
What bad timing, too. My final paper is due tomorrow, I have my exit interview on Wednesday, and my Science Unit due on Thursday. After that -- smooth sailing to the 19th and it's Christmas break. Yay!
This paper is draining the life out of me. I've been reading a bunch of education articles about the achievement gap and how to close it. Basically, we have to study different schools and focus on one problem, then apply an educational theory that will lead lower income students, minority students, and ELL students towards success. Not that hard to write 5-7 pages, but I'm just lagging.
Anyway, if you're bored... go try this:
Claire sent me the link last night and I figured out 19 of them. 19+ = Genius. I should just forget my paper and quit school. I'm a genius, for crying out loud! Haha. Here's a tip though: It's addicting, but don't waste too much time on it. [I googled the answers for the rest that I couldn't figure out... and its a good thing I did, cause I would've wasted a lot of time trying to figure out things that I didn't know.]
Oh, one last thing.. I got my paycheck in the mail! Yay!!!
What bad timing, too. My final paper is due tomorrow, I have my exit interview on Wednesday, and my Science Unit due on Thursday. After that -- smooth sailing to the 19th and it's Christmas break. Yay!
This paper is draining the life out of me. I've been reading a bunch of education articles about the achievement gap and how to close it. Basically, we have to study different schools and focus on one problem, then apply an educational theory that will lead lower income students, minority students, and ELL students towards success. Not that hard to write 5-7 pages, but I'm just lagging.
Anyway, if you're bored... go try this:
Claire sent me the link last night and I figured out 19 of them. 19+ = Genius. I should just forget my paper and quit school. I'm a genius, for crying out loud! Haha. Here's a tip though: It's addicting, but don't waste too much time on it. [I googled the answers for the rest that I couldn't figure out... and its a good thing I did, cause I would've wasted a lot of time trying to figure out things that I didn't know.]
Oh, one last thing.. I got my paycheck in the mail! Yay!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Today was weird. I came in at lunch time and didn't have to teach anything but my Science lesson. Since I'm starting my Science unit the schedule is different, but at least I get more rest for the next few weeks. Yay! Who's ready for Christmas break? I am already. Too much due this week and next.. geez.
Anyway, so I signed into Myspace and see an ad -- "Married man and women looking to have an affair." So sad. Can people just be happily married please? Or just don't get married if you are going to end up being a cheater. :/
Speaking of getting married.. my cousin's wedding is in two weeks. I have to practice because I'm singing two songs at her wedding. One while she walks down the aisle.. eek, pressure. Haha jk. But yeah, I haven't sung in a long time.
I guess I should go to sleep since I have to write 3 book summaries, 1 final paper, and revise a Timeline PDF by 4pm tomorrow. Almost done with one of my M. Ed. classes! Ah!!

Anyway, so I signed into Myspace and see an ad -- "Married man and women looking to have an affair." So sad. Can people just be happily married please? Or just don't get married if you are going to end up being a cheater. :/
Speaking of getting married.. my cousin's wedding is in two weeks. I have to practice because I'm singing two songs at her wedding. One while she walks down the aisle.. eek, pressure. Haha jk. But yeah, I haven't sung in a long time.
I guess I should go to sleep since I have to write 3 book summaries, 1 final paper, and revise a Timeline PDF by 4pm tomorrow. Almost done with one of my M. Ed. classes! Ah!!

I wanna go to a concert!
I miss dancing!
I miss singing!
I miss dancing!
I miss singing!
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