Survey of the year... brought to you by R&L productions.
1) Where did you begin 2008?
L: In Glendale, same as every year.. with all of my relatives. :)
R: In Riverside at my house.
2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
We were still dating. :)
3) Were you in school anytime this year?
L: Yes! My life was/is all about school!
R: Yes.
4) How did you earn your money?
L: Subbing a few times. Or by going home.. my Grandma or my parents like giving us money when we go home.. hahah.
R: Gay Kohls.
5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
L: Only for annual physicals.
R: Yes, for contacts.
6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
L: Yes. Haha. Let's leave it at that.
R: Totally.
8) What did you purchase that was over $1000?
L: Nothing! Not making money yet! Ah!
R: ...
9) Did you know anybody who got married?
L: Yes, my cousin Ate Pauline.
R: Yes, Ate Pauline and Kuya Marlone.
10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
L: No, thankfully.
R: In 2008? No.
11) Did you know anyone who had a baby?
L: A lot of people I know had babies this year!
R: Yes.
12) Did you move anywhere?
L: Nope.
R: Laura's apartment. :)
13) What concerts/shows did you go to?
L: Hmm, good question.. Lemme think.. Power 106 Comedy Fiesta, Wicked twice.. can't think of what else..
R: What she said. Except Wicked only once.
14) Are you registered to vote?
L: I thought I was! But nope. :(
R: Nope.
15) Who did you want to win Big Brother?
L: Does that even exist still?
R: I don't care.
17) Where do you live now?
L: Riversiiiide.
R: R-side.
18) Describe your birthday?
L: Came home from a final and Richie surprised me with lunch and random things. Then I got ready and he took me to Orange Hill restaurant [so pretty]. For my birthday part 2, went to Yardhouse with everyone, drank and yacked like crazy. :)
R: Um, okay... My baby and my family took me out to Asahi Sushi and had a couple of drinks with a crazy Korean chef. Afterwards, we took pictures with the sushi crew, then we went to Florentine's at DTF and lost many brain cells. Many of Laura's friends came and bought me drinks which made me yack on a sad plant. :( Finally, I went home and fell asleep wearing my dirty clothes with my girlfriend next to me. :) <3
19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2008?
L: Hm... hang off of the edge of the Stratosphere? Haha, I don't know, I have a bad memory.
R: Go on Dive Devil at Six Flags and on the ride at Stratosphere. Oh yeah, and I never thought I'd go to Vegas with my friends and not my family. Yesss.
20) What has been your favorite moment?
L: There have been far too many. This year was full of good times, despite being so busy!
R: When I was able to touch the rim.
21) What's something you learned about yourself?
L: I've learned.. that I am useless when I'm bored. Haha. It's better when I'm busybusybusy because I just keep going. But once I stop, I shut down and become lazy. Haha.
R: I'm a real big hypocrite, but I don't do it intentionally.
22) Any new additions to your family?
L: Nope.
R: Nope.
23.) What was your best month?
L: That's hard.. but I guess I'd have to say June, since it was my birthday and graduation!
R: October, because I turned 21.
24.) What music will you remember 2008 by?
L: Wicked soundtrack! I sing the songs everyday.
R: Adrian Hood - Brown Eyed Blues.. and the Wicked soundtrack.
25) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
L: Haha, GOTM? I guess? I'm trying to think of the times that I drank, and they keep popping in my mind.. so yes I'd have to say those lovely ladies.
R: I'd have to say Chun.
27) New friend?
L: The girls from my cohort! Wouldn't be able to survive the program without them.
R: Lots.
28) Favorite Night out?
L: March 22nd.. and nights in Frisco.. GOTM nights, etc., can't pick just one. Haha.
R: Wicked with my baby.
29) Do you think 2009 will be better or worse?
L: Better!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Yay for officially being on break!
Yesterday was our last cohort seminar of the quarter. We played games and ate yummy food. It was fun. We even saw snow! Our supervisor's house is soooo pretty and it made it even better seeing snow all over the yard, on the house, outside around her pond. I want my house to be like hers in the future. Haha.
Last night, Richie and I went to see Wicked. :) Best musical ever! I promised him we would see it together since I already watched it with my family months ago. We'll probably see it again, since Claire wants to take Josh to see it too. Miss Saigon was my favorite for a long time.. and I still love the songs, but you know how I feel about Wicked. Haha. I was singing the songs in my head the whole time, and Richie even recognized a lot of them because of the CD that has been in rotation in my car forever.
Makes me miss singing and dancing even more than I already do. On the way home, we tried singing the harmonies.. nerds, I know. But it reminded me of when Cat and I tried to figure out the harmonies for "Weak." Hahaha. I miss show choir!!!
Anyway, moving on.. today was the kids' last day before vacation. We baked sugar cookies, they made bead wreaths, and there was a Christmas program with the whole school. It was pretty hectic, but what else would you expect from kids that know it's time for presentssss!! Haha.
At the end of school, one of the boys in my class said, "Miss S., don't ever teach at a different school okay?" I laughed, but then I realized that the kids don't know I'm leaving next month. It makes me sad to think that I only have 4 more weeks with my second graders. And who knows where I'll end up after this year! I'm gonna go cry now.... haha.
Now that everyone's free... let's make plans!! Yay for Christmas! Yay for seeing everyone over break! Yay for the new year! :)
Bye for now!
Yesterday was our last cohort seminar of the quarter. We played games and ate yummy food. It was fun. We even saw snow! Our supervisor's house is soooo pretty and it made it even better seeing snow all over the yard, on the house, outside around her pond. I want my house to be like hers in the future. Haha.
Last night, Richie and I went to see Wicked. :) Best musical ever! I promised him we would see it together since I already watched it with my family months ago. We'll probably see it again, since Claire wants to take Josh to see it too. Miss Saigon was my favorite for a long time.. and I still love the songs, but you know how I feel about Wicked. Haha. I was singing the songs in my head the whole time, and Richie even recognized a lot of them because of the CD that has been in rotation in my car forever.
Makes me miss singing and dancing even more than I already do. On the way home, we tried singing the harmonies.. nerds, I know. But it reminded me of when Cat and I tried to figure out the harmonies for "Weak." Hahaha. I miss show choir!!!
Anyway, moving on.. today was the kids' last day before vacation. We baked sugar cookies, they made bead wreaths, and there was a Christmas program with the whole school. It was pretty hectic, but what else would you expect from kids that know it's time for presentssss!! Haha.
At the end of school, one of the boys in my class said, "Miss S., don't ever teach at a different school okay?" I laughed, but then I realized that the kids don't know I'm leaving next month. It makes me sad to think that I only have 4 more weeks with my second graders. And who knows where I'll end up after this year! I'm gonna go cry now.... haha.
Now that everyone's free... let's make plans!! Yay for Christmas! Yay for seeing everyone over break! Yay for the new year! :)
Bye for now!
Monday, December 15, 2008
lazy day.
First of all, congratulations to Nino!
Ah, how exciting for him. Can't wait to be done with this school year!
Anyways, so after Nino's party Saturday night, I slept over Richie's house. Right when I got there i knocked outtttttt. Woke up the next morning and was lazy while he studied! Hahaha. At least I got to watch the newest episodes of "Desperate Housewives" and "Private Practice." Where's "Grey's Anatomy" though!?
Yesterday, I finally got the chance to play MillionHEIR and Iron Chef.. and yep, you guessed it -- I'm addicted. Good thing my Cooking Mama skills came in handy on Iron Chef. Hahahhaa. I was sad that they don't have Bobby Flay on the game though. Oh well.
I've gotten Richie addicted to playing Big Brain Academy with me.. And oh yea! He wants to teach me SC, but it looks scary. Hahaha. I will try when he's done with finals. And I'll kick everyone's ass, watch! Jk.
Okay, back to my DS. :)
I wish I had hot chocolate and marshmallows to go with this rain!
Ah, how exciting for him. Can't wait to be done with this school year!
Anyways, so after Nino's party Saturday night, I slept over Richie's house. Right when I got there i knocked outtttttt. Woke up the next morning and was lazy while he studied! Hahaha. At least I got to watch the newest episodes of "Desperate Housewives" and "Private Practice." Where's "Grey's Anatomy" though!?
Yesterday, I finally got the chance to play MillionHEIR and Iron Chef.. and yep, you guessed it -- I'm addicted. Good thing my Cooking Mama skills came in handy on Iron Chef. Hahahhaa. I was sad that they don't have Bobby Flay on the game though. Oh well.
I've gotten Richie addicted to playing Big Brain Academy with me.. And oh yea! He wants to teach me SC, but it looks scary. Hahaha. I will try when he's done with finals. And I'll kick everyone's ass, watch! Jk.
Okay, back to my DS. :)
I wish I had hot chocolate and marshmallows to go with this rain!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I finished my big Science Unit and I feel gooood. Haha. I'm just glad to have that over with. I also had my exit conference earlier this morning which went well. I found out I'm switching to either 4th or 5th for my next placement [or a 4th/5th combo]. I'm excited. I was scared to go to 6th, but I knew I would step up to the challenge [well, I'd have to, haha] if I ended up there. But yeah, like I've said before -- everything happens for a reason.
Anyways.. I just wanted to blog cause I have a break FINALLY!
I'm going in to sub tomorrow and Friday AND Monday! Yay money! My poor DCT has jury duty though. I wonder when my next jury duty is.. yuck.
Man, I still smell like boiling crab from yesterday. Good times, girls! :)
Will and Grace is on tv right now and Karen is practicing CPR.. reminds me that I still have to take care of that before the end of Winter quarter.
Okay I guess I should sleep now. Weeeee... goodnight!
Anyways.. I just wanted to blog cause I have a break FINALLY!
I'm going in to sub tomorrow and Friday AND Monday! Yay money! My poor DCT has jury duty though. I wonder when my next jury duty is.. yuck.
Man, I still smell like boiling crab from yesterday. Good times, girls! :)
Will and Grace is on tv right now and Karen is practicing CPR.. reminds me that I still have to take care of that before the end of Winter quarter.
Okay I guess I should sleep now. Weeeee... goodnight!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I canNOT concentrate! AH!
What bad timing, too. My final paper is due tomorrow, I have my exit interview on Wednesday, and my Science Unit due on Thursday. After that -- smooth sailing to the 19th and it's Christmas break. Yay!
This paper is draining the life out of me. I've been reading a bunch of education articles about the achievement gap and how to close it. Basically, we have to study different schools and focus on one problem, then apply an educational theory that will lead lower income students, minority students, and ELL students towards success. Not that hard to write 5-7 pages, but I'm just lagging.
Anyway, if you're bored... go try this:
Claire sent me the link last night and I figured out 19 of them. 19+ = Genius. I should just forget my paper and quit school. I'm a genius, for crying out loud! Haha. Here's a tip though: It's addicting, but don't waste too much time on it. [I googled the answers for the rest that I couldn't figure out... and its a good thing I did, cause I would've wasted a lot of time trying to figure out things that I didn't know.]
Oh, one last thing.. I got my paycheck in the mail! Yay!!!
What bad timing, too. My final paper is due tomorrow, I have my exit interview on Wednesday, and my Science Unit due on Thursday. After that -- smooth sailing to the 19th and it's Christmas break. Yay!
This paper is draining the life out of me. I've been reading a bunch of education articles about the achievement gap and how to close it. Basically, we have to study different schools and focus on one problem, then apply an educational theory that will lead lower income students, minority students, and ELL students towards success. Not that hard to write 5-7 pages, but I'm just lagging.
Anyway, if you're bored... go try this:
Claire sent me the link last night and I figured out 19 of them. 19+ = Genius. I should just forget my paper and quit school. I'm a genius, for crying out loud! Haha. Here's a tip though: It's addicting, but don't waste too much time on it. [I googled the answers for the rest that I couldn't figure out... and its a good thing I did, cause I would've wasted a lot of time trying to figure out things that I didn't know.]
Oh, one last thing.. I got my paycheck in the mail! Yay!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Today was weird. I came in at lunch time and didn't have to teach anything but my Science lesson. Since I'm starting my Science unit the schedule is different, but at least I get more rest for the next few weeks. Yay! Who's ready for Christmas break? I am already. Too much due this week and next.. geez.
Anyway, so I signed into Myspace and see an ad -- "Married man and women looking to have an affair." So sad. Can people just be happily married please? Or just don't get married if you are going to end up being a cheater. :/
Speaking of getting married.. my cousin's wedding is in two weeks. I have to practice because I'm singing two songs at her wedding. One while she walks down the aisle.. eek, pressure. Haha jk. But yeah, I haven't sung in a long time.
I guess I should go to sleep since I have to write 3 book summaries, 1 final paper, and revise a Timeline PDF by 4pm tomorrow. Almost done with one of my M. Ed. classes! Ah!!

Anyway, so I signed into Myspace and see an ad -- "Married man and women looking to have an affair." So sad. Can people just be happily married please? Or just don't get married if you are going to end up being a cheater. :/
Speaking of getting married.. my cousin's wedding is in two weeks. I have to practice because I'm singing two songs at her wedding. One while she walks down the aisle.. eek, pressure. Haha jk. But yeah, I haven't sung in a long time.
I guess I should go to sleep since I have to write 3 book summaries, 1 final paper, and revise a Timeline PDF by 4pm tomorrow. Almost done with one of my M. Ed. classes! Ah!!

I wanna go to a concert!
I miss dancing!
I miss singing!
I miss dancing!
I miss singing!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Instead of thanking individuals, I just want to say that I am thankful for each and every person that has changed me in some way. Whether for better or worse, I am thankful for every moment that has brought me to where I am right now.
Okay, on to other random thoughts...
Even though the rain is making my hair frizzy, I love it. Well, I mean, I love it when I'm inside all warm and cozy and I can hear rain outside. Like right now. I want some hot chocolate and marshmallows.. mmm.
I want a new phone, but I still have my plan for another year. Well I do like the one I have [even though I cracked the screen].. but I want a new one just because. Maybe I just want to buy something. Yay for Black Friday! Don't know if I'm gonna go shopping though. We shall see.
I should be sleeping. Why do I stay up for no reason when I have time to sleep?! Next week I'm gonna be so tired and I'll think back to this moment and think, "I should have slept early." Haha.
Okay, I'll stop typing nonsense. Peace out. Hope everyone has a good day.. enjoy the days off until it's back to reality! Nooooo! :)
A few ways to say "thank you":
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
It's hitting me that this is the last week of November that I will be teaching. Then we have Thanksgiving week off and we come back and it's already December?!
So that means I have about one month left with my second graders before I change placements and go to -- dun dun dunnnn -- upper grade!
The kids are seriously so big and tall.. it's intimidating when I think about it. I know that I just need to set the tone from the beginning that I am their second teacher and I just can't show that I'm nervous. I guess it's just the fact that there's going to be a big jump in the curriculum. But oh well, I've always believed that what is meant to be will be. That I am going to be placed in a certain classroom, with a certain teacher and certain students -- for a reason. It's so much easier to just take life as it comes and just deal. Life is not perfect -- we have to work every minute of every day.
Rob and I used to talk about wanting to be "incredibly happy." I've learned that happiness or anything positive in life is nothing without the journey. Be thankful for the times in life that changed you for the better. And the things that helped you to appreciate the good things that you have.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving.. I miss my family. What I really miss the most is being a kid. But don't we all?
Anyway, I just wanted to come and do a quick post since I haven't in a while. I also wanted to post my fortune from the fortune cookie I ate earlier.
So that means I have about one month left with my second graders before I change placements and go to -- dun dun dunnnn -- upper grade!
The kids are seriously so big and tall.. it's intimidating when I think about it. I know that I just need to set the tone from the beginning that I am their second teacher and I just can't show that I'm nervous. I guess it's just the fact that there's going to be a big jump in the curriculum. But oh well, I've always believed that what is meant to be will be. That I am going to be placed in a certain classroom, with a certain teacher and certain students -- for a reason. It's so much easier to just take life as it comes and just deal. Life is not perfect -- we have to work every minute of every day.
Rob and I used to talk about wanting to be "incredibly happy." I've learned that happiness or anything positive in life is nothing without the journey. Be thankful for the times in life that changed you for the better. And the things that helped you to appreciate the good things that you have.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving.. I miss my family. What I really miss the most is being a kid. But don't we all?
Anyway, I just wanted to come and do a quick post since I haven't in a while. I also wanted to post my fortune from the fortune cookie I ate earlier.
"Your efforts will be worthwhile."
Definitely fits with what I've been thinking about.. and reminds me to keep pushing through. I can't wait to look back on this year, but at the same time -- I need to remember to experience it.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
miss it.
I started packing for Vegas and decided to play random music from my laptop, when all of a sudden "Like You'll Never See Me Again" started playing. I realized how much I love that song and how old it is! Haha. Anyway, I stopped what I was doing and really listened. I really felt like watching a video of a dance to the song, so I looked around on youtube. I watched some videos which kept leading me to different videos [some which really sucked], but in the end it made me realize -- I MISS DANCING!!! :(
I haven't performed or even just danced since our last 909 performance which was in June! I didn't realize how much I miss it until today. Even earlier today, during my classes, I kept accidentally kicking my friends sitting across from me because my feet just wanted to move for some reason!
I really wish I had the time to dance.
I know, I know.. you make time for the things you want to do. I've heard it before and I say it all the time. But honestly, I just don't have the energy.. even if I had the time. Also, I know that if I just took a few classes here and there, then it wouldn't be enough. It'd have to be all or nothing.
Does that make sense? Sometimes if you just have a little taste of something you haven't done in a while, then you wanna just dive right back into it... and right now, I can't afford that! I need to stay focused. It's all about work, work work. I guess this is what it feels like to grow up... :/
I haven't performed or even just danced since our last 909 performance which was in June! I didn't realize how much I miss it until today. Even earlier today, during my classes, I kept accidentally kicking my friends sitting across from me because my feet just wanted to move for some reason!
I really wish I had the time to dance.
I know, I know.. you make time for the things you want to do. I've heard it before and I say it all the time. But honestly, I just don't have the energy.. even if I had the time. Also, I know that if I just took a few classes here and there, then it wouldn't be enough. It'd have to be all or nothing.
Does that make sense? Sometimes if you just have a little taste of something you haven't done in a while, then you wanna just dive right back into it... and right now, I can't afford that! I need to stay focused. It's all about work, work work. I guess this is what it feels like to grow up... :/
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
first time.
Last night, my master teacher e-mailed me saying that she wasn't feeling too good and she wanted to know if I could sub. I said yes, since I don't have night class on Wednesdays.. but then, she changed her mind because she felt guilty. [This week is already a short week, since there's no school on Thursday and Friday due to parent conferences.]
Soo.. my excitement only lasted for ten minutes. Haha. But she told me to be prepared just in case she felt sick the next day and decided to go home during lunch.
I came in today and we got through the morning just fine. Then, ten minutes before lunchtime [when I usually leave], my master teacher asks me if I want to stay for the rest of the day. In my mind I'm thinking -- hmmm, teach for two hours and get paid for a "half day"... hell yeah! Haha.
So I stayed for the rest of the day and it was fun. I subbed for the first time! Yay! Good thing I wasn't that hungry today, because I'm usually starving by lunchtime. Also, for some strange reason I wasn't tired at all by the end of the day. The only thing is I had to go pee SO BAD during the last 30 minutes of school, since I didn't go during lunch. Lesson learned!
One of the other second grade teachers also asked if I could sub for her on Monday, so I'm taking it! There's no school on Tuesday because of Veteran's Day, so all the things I usually do on Monday will be taken care of on Tuesday. Thank goodness my fingerprints went through. It'll be nice to get some monaaay! :) [First though, I need to make back what I paid for the damn fingerprints! Haha.] Alright, gotta get back to work so I can finish in time for dinner tonight with Richie's friends.
Just one long Thursday to get through..
a few hours of planning for next week..
three parent conferences on Friday..
aaaand -- VEGAS!!!
Last night, my master teacher e-mailed me saying that she wasn't feeling too good and she wanted to know if I could sub. I said yes, since I don't have night class on Wednesdays.. but then, she changed her mind because she felt guilty. [This week is already a short week, since there's no school on Thursday and Friday due to parent conferences.]
Soo.. my excitement only lasted for ten minutes. Haha. But she told me to be prepared just in case she felt sick the next day and decided to go home during lunch.
I came in today and we got through the morning just fine. Then, ten minutes before lunchtime [when I usually leave], my master teacher asks me if I want to stay for the rest of the day. In my mind I'm thinking -- hmmm, teach for two hours and get paid for a "half day"... hell yeah! Haha.
So I stayed for the rest of the day and it was fun. I subbed for the first time! Yay! Good thing I wasn't that hungry today, because I'm usually starving by lunchtime. Also, for some strange reason I wasn't tired at all by the end of the day. The only thing is I had to go pee SO BAD during the last 30 minutes of school, since I didn't go during lunch. Lesson learned!
One of the other second grade teachers also asked if I could sub for her on Monday, so I'm taking it! There's no school on Tuesday because of Veteran's Day, so all the things I usually do on Monday will be taken care of on Tuesday. Thank goodness my fingerprints went through. It'll be nice to get some monaaay! :) [First though, I need to make back what I paid for the damn fingerprints! Haha.] Alright, gotta get back to work so I can finish in time for dinner tonight with Richie's friends.
Just one long Thursday to get through..
a few hours of planning for next week..
three parent conferences on Friday..
aaaand -- VEGAS!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
yes, we can.
Yay Obama! During class tonight, one of the professors down the hall kept coming in and updating us on the results, which was pretty exciting. Our professor actually let us out early for once, so once I got home, I turned the news on. I tried getting some work done, but Obama distracted me!
I've never really cared for politics, although I always knew that I should. I remember back in 2004, when Jon tried to talk about it with me and Cat in our dorm room. Haha, that was interesting.
Anyway, I would try to watch the candidates speak, but they never really engaged me. Then came Barack Obama. He's such a good speaker. Not to mention, he's pretty damn handsome. ;) Man, I bet if I was there listening to his speech in person I would have cried for him. I haven't talked to my mom yet, but I'm pretty sure she's upset. Haha. [She's Republican all the way].
Sorry Mom! In my heart I voted for Obama [I won't discuss the reasons why I couldn't vote... :( I tried though].
Anyway, I also say NO on Proposition 8.
Yeah, yeah.. I know I should agree with my religion. But I don't. That's just the way I feel about it; I don't want to discriminate. Maybe I don't know all I should know about it, but from what I do -- that's what I say.
Okay, I shall stop now, because I'm not sure if I'm saying exactly what I felt like saying. Haha. So back to work I go! If you love Obama, go celebrate! And if not, like Fox News said, "Get over it pleeeease! We're going in a new direction."
I've never really cared for politics, although I always knew that I should. I remember back in 2004, when Jon tried to talk about it with me and Cat in our dorm room. Haha, that was interesting.
Anyway, I would try to watch the candidates speak, but they never really engaged me. Then came Barack Obama. He's such a good speaker. Not to mention, he's pretty damn handsome. ;) Man, I bet if I was there listening to his speech in person I would have cried for him. I haven't talked to my mom yet, but I'm pretty sure she's upset. Haha. [She's Republican all the way].
Sorry Mom! In my heart I voted for Obama [I won't discuss the reasons why I couldn't vote... :( I tried though].
Anyway, I also say NO on Proposition 8.
Yeah, yeah.. I know I should agree with my religion. But I don't. That's just the way I feel about it; I don't want to discriminate. Maybe I don't know all I should know about it, but from what I do -- that's what I say.
Okay, I shall stop now, because I'm not sure if I'm saying exactly what I felt like saying. Haha. So back to work I go! If you love Obama, go celebrate! And if not, like Fox News said, "Get over it pleeeease! We're going in a new direction."
Sunday, November 2, 2008
fall back.
Yay I got my car back finally! It has returned to me after 2 months! Ahh!
Anyway, so today was a good day. Claire and I went back home because we were planning on taking the rest of our things out of my grandma's house [my uncle is turning the room into an office]. Instead, we spent time with my parents, aunt, uncle, and grandma. :) We ate at Jollibee, then went to visit my grandpa at the cemetery. There were so many people there; it's nice to see people visiting their loved ones. Anyway, we prayed for a bit, then Claire, my mom, and I went to Brea mall. I picked up my contacts and then we did some shopping.
Now I am home planning out my week and counting down the days to VEGAS! I am so excited! Even though the past few weekends have already been fun and relaxing, I'm looking forward to some hard core partying. Haha.
I've been trying really hard lately to make a decision about what I want to do next year. Should I take a break? Just take some time off to BREATHE, and just sub whenever I want to. OR... Should I just jump into teaching right after graduating?
I wont even have the summer off, since I'll be finishing up my Master classes until August.. AND there's usually training in the summer for first-year teachers.
AH, I don't know, but I need to decide by January since that's supposedly when we start interviews and whatnot. I'll probably go back and forth with my decision, but like I've said... knowing me, I wont be satisfied with only being a sub. I know that I'll want my own classroom, and my own kids -- I want to matter! Not that I'm saying subs are pointless. Ahh!
But on the other hand, I have the rest of my life to work! Man. See what I mean?
Okay, no more thinking about this for now. I can't wait for Christmas! Or just winter time in general, I LOVE IT! :) I've been hearing holiday music in stores already, and even though I'm thinking that it's too early to hear, it's making me want the holidays! Ooh, I want to go to New York! Haha, I feel really random right now. I think I'll watch last week's episode of "Desperate Housewives" before I catch up on some work. Bye for now! Turn your clocks back! :)
Anyway, so today was a good day. Claire and I went back home because we were planning on taking the rest of our things out of my grandma's house [my uncle is turning the room into an office]. Instead, we spent time with my parents, aunt, uncle, and grandma. :) We ate at Jollibee, then went to visit my grandpa at the cemetery. There were so many people there; it's nice to see people visiting their loved ones. Anyway, we prayed for a bit, then Claire, my mom, and I went to Brea mall. I picked up my contacts and then we did some shopping.
Now I am home planning out my week and counting down the days to VEGAS! I am so excited! Even though the past few weekends have already been fun and relaxing, I'm looking forward to some hard core partying. Haha.
I've been trying really hard lately to make a decision about what I want to do next year. Should I take a break? Just take some time off to BREATHE, and just sub whenever I want to. OR... Should I just jump into teaching right after graduating?
I wont even have the summer off, since I'll be finishing up my Master classes until August.. AND there's usually training in the summer for first-year teachers.
AH, I don't know, but I need to decide by January since that's supposedly when we start interviews and whatnot. I'll probably go back and forth with my decision, but like I've said... knowing me, I wont be satisfied with only being a sub. I know that I'll want my own classroom, and my own kids -- I want to matter! Not that I'm saying subs are pointless. Ahh!
But on the other hand, I have the rest of my life to work! Man. See what I mean?
Okay, no more thinking about this for now. I can't wait for Christmas! Or just winter time in general, I LOVE IT! :) I've been hearing holiday music in stores already, and even though I'm thinking that it's too early to hear, it's making me want the holidays! Ooh, I want to go to New York! Haha, I feel really random right now. I think I'll watch last week's episode of "Desperate Housewives" before I catch up on some work. Bye for now! Turn your clocks back! :)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
happy belated.
Halloween is over!
So is Red Ribbon Week!
I hope everyone had fun and didn't use drugs!! :)
Thursday night, Richie and I planned on stopping by Jojo's party to see some 909ers. We were supposed to be pirates, but I didn't have time to make/get a costume during the week. Instead, I improvised and made a 5-minute costume. You can see it in my pictures, haha. Stayed at the party for like an hour and a half, then stopped by Katipunan's party so we could take pictures with my sister and Josh before we headed home. Fell asleep around 1am, thank god I woke up on time the next morning!
On Friday, we did Halloween rotations with the four 2nd grade classes. I baked pumpkin muffins with the kids which was pretty fun. The day went by fast but it was so tiring! More tiring than teaching! We didn't have a meeting after school since the teachers had to finish report cards in preparation for the parent conferences next week. So I just made a math concept poster and headed home around 4:30pm.
Rested for a bit, then had dinner at Chili's with Richie. Mmmm, we love that place! :) We stopped by Wal-mart and then his house before we headed back to my apartment and decided to take a "quick nap" while we waited for Nay to get off of work. What was supposed to be 15 minutes turned into two hours! I freaked out when I woke up at looked at the clock. It was past midnight!! Haha. But anyway, we got ready quickly and headed over to Didi's party. Had lots of fun with Nayremy and I even saw Gwen there!! Took Nay home and dropped Jeremy off, then got home around 5am I think.
Fun Halloween! :) Look at our costumes :)

That's all for now, bye!
P.s. Shoutouts to G and M! Love you! Wish we were all together! :)
So is Red Ribbon Week!
I hope everyone had fun and didn't use drugs!! :)
Thursday night, Richie and I planned on stopping by Jojo's party to see some 909ers. We were supposed to be pirates, but I didn't have time to make/get a costume during the week. Instead, I improvised and made a 5-minute costume. You can see it in my pictures, haha. Stayed at the party for like an hour and a half, then stopped by Katipunan's party so we could take pictures with my sister and Josh before we headed home. Fell asleep around 1am, thank god I woke up on time the next morning!
On Friday, we did Halloween rotations with the four 2nd grade classes. I baked pumpkin muffins with the kids which was pretty fun. The day went by fast but it was so tiring! More tiring than teaching! We didn't have a meeting after school since the teachers had to finish report cards in preparation for the parent conferences next week. So I just made a math concept poster and headed home around 4:30pm.
Rested for a bit, then had dinner at Chili's with Richie. Mmmm, we love that place! :) We stopped by Wal-mart and then his house before we headed back to my apartment and decided to take a "quick nap" while we waited for Nay to get off of work. What was supposed to be 15 minutes turned into two hours! I freaked out when I woke up at looked at the clock. It was past midnight!! Haha. But anyway, we got ready quickly and headed over to Didi's party. Had lots of fun with Nayremy and I even saw Gwen there!! Took Nay home and dropped Jeremy off, then got home around 5am I think.
Fun Halloween! :) Look at our costumes :)
Josh changed! :/
That's all for now, bye!
P.s. Shoutouts to G and M! Love you! Wish we were all together! :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Alright, some good news. My fingerprint clearance FINALLY came in today! Which is ironic because they called while I was teaching, and the sub answered the phone to take the message. Pretty much, if it cleared yesterday, then I could have gotten paid for teaching today. But no, instead, they had to hire someone to sit and get paid. Err. Oh well, at least now I wont have to worry about that.
Today was really weird. The kids were just out of it, and so was I. The story that we're reading in Language Arts right now is so boring. It's about a park ranger, and every time we read more of it I find myself asking the same things over and over again. The story is SO short and boring that it is so hard to engage the students. I don't even like it!
The strategy focus for the story is to evaluate, so I asked the students to do so. One came up with, "my evaluation of the story is it is boring and I don't like it." Haha.
The weeks have been going by so fast, I can't believe it. Good in one way, but a pain because there is so much to do. I still haven't uploaded my context commentary which should have been done two weeks ago [although the deadline isn't really until December]. Still though, that assignment reminds me that I should not let anything else fall behind.
Man, I'm so lazy. I want to take a nap! Anyway, shoutouts to Nay and Robert because I know you read this. Haha. :)
Before I go, enjoy the artwork that two of my students gave to me.

Today was really weird. The kids were just out of it, and so was I. The story that we're reading in Language Arts right now is so boring. It's about a park ranger, and every time we read more of it I find myself asking the same things over and over again. The story is SO short and boring that it is so hard to engage the students. I don't even like it!
The strategy focus for the story is to evaluate, so I asked the students to do so. One came up with, "my evaluation of the story is it is boring and I don't like it." Haha.
The weeks have been going by so fast, I can't believe it. Good in one way, but a pain because there is so much to do. I still haven't uploaded my context commentary which should have been done two weeks ago [although the deadline isn't really until December]. Still though, that assignment reminds me that I should not let anything else fall behind.
Man, I'm so lazy. I want to take a nap! Anyway, shoutouts to Nay and Robert because I know you read this. Haha. :)
Before I go, enjoy the artwork that two of my students gave to me.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I just spent 2 hours on the phone with a Linksys technician to try to fix my stupid router. Then, his conclusion: the router is defective. Now I have to send them the router and wait until they send a new one. How long will that take? The guy just said, "Umm, I don't really know.. ummm.. two weeks?"
You don't know?! Ah, whatever. I just have to connect directly to the cable modem while I wait.
I hate waiting longer than I'm supposed to! I'm still waiting for my fingerprints to clear so I can sub already. It's been over a month and it was only supposed to take 3 weeks. :/
Okay, just wanted to vent. On to some happier news... the test scores for the RICA came out today... and... I PASSED! :)
What a relief! That was the last written test that I needed for my credential. Now I just have to complete my infant/adult CPR class and get through to August. Gotta stay positive!
Also, want to wish a Happy Belated Birthday to NayBayBay aka Bitach! Love you! And a Happy Belated 21st Birthday to Richie aka BuhBuh! Love you too!
Thanks to everyone who came out to DTF Saturday night :) In case you weren't there, here's a picture for you to enjoy.

You don't know?! Ah, whatever. I just have to connect directly to the cable modem while I wait.
I hate waiting longer than I'm supposed to! I'm still waiting for my fingerprints to clear so I can sub already. It's been over a month and it was only supposed to take 3 weeks. :/
Okay, just wanted to vent. On to some happier news... the test scores for the RICA came out today... and... I PASSED! :)
What a relief! That was the last written test that I needed for my credential. Now I just have to complete my infant/adult CPR class and get through to August. Gotta stay positive!
Also, want to wish a Happy Belated Birthday to NayBayBay aka Bitach! Love you! And a Happy Belated 21st Birthday to Richie aka BuhBuh! Love you too!
Thanks to everyone who came out to DTF Saturday night :) In case you weren't there, here's a picture for you to enjoy.

Check out the rest on our myspace. :)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
this week.
As usual, I have a lot of things due. So that I don't forget, here's my reminder:
Now, off to class for 3 hours to turn in the paper that I wrote in 2 hours. :/
- Weekly reflection [1-2 pages]
- Education 232 midterm paper [5 pages]
- Complete reading assessments [5 students]
- Make science fair board example
- Education services resource list [25 items]
- Prepare English Learner strategy presentation
- Print block plans
- Write next week's lesson plans
Now, off to class for 3 hours to turn in the paper that I wrote in 2 hours. :/
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
really quick.
mood: sleepy
Today was my first day teaching the full morning.
I survived! Haha. Well, according to my master teacher, I "did more than survive." So I'm feeling good about where I am right now. I even stayed after lunch throughout the whole school day, since I had to finish up some running records [reading fluency and comprehension tests] with a few students. The day goes by so much faster when you're teaching the whole time.. pretty interesting.
Anyway, that's all I had to say for now. Time to sleep!
Enjoy this pretty picture. :)
Today was my first day teaching the full morning.
I survived! Haha. Well, according to my master teacher, I "did more than survive." So I'm feeling good about where I am right now. I even stayed after lunch throughout the whole school day, since I had to finish up some running records [reading fluency and comprehension tests] with a few students. The day goes by so much faster when you're teaching the whole time.. pretty interesting.
Anyway, that's all I had to say for now. Time to sleep!
Enjoy this pretty picture. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
let me clear the confusion.
People have been asking what exactly I do in this program.
I am a student teacher.
No, it is not the same as a tutor.
No, it is not the same as a T.A.
I am not giving the students extra help, nor am I just the main teacher's "assistant."
I am my students' "second teacher." I teach. I plan full lessons and I am on my own with the class while my master teacher [their "real" teacher] observes me and writes formal observations regarding:
- my classroom management
- time management
- how I am supporting the learning of English Language Learners, RSP students, etc.
- things I could work on, and so much more.
I am a student teacher. I am learning to teach through this process. And, I am going to school and taking classes while doing so! So I am a student AND a teacher!
Let me say it again, I teach. The only difference is, I don't get paid to do so.
Another thing...
This quote: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."
Can someone knock some sense into this guy?
If we couldn't do something, how could we possibly teach it?
Is it just me, or do we all need to appreciate our teachers more?
How else would you be reading this?
Monday, October 13, 2008
windy day.
I wonder whether or not my kids were allowed to go outside for recess today. I wonder what it's like in the "windy city." I wonder why the weather can't make up its mind.
Last night was really scary. It sounded like one of the trees outside was going to fall on the apartment. It would be such a nice day if the wind wasn't blowing dust everywhere!
Anyway, happy Monday! :)
Go listen to my future wedding song: Robin Thicke - Sweetest Love
Last night was really scary. It sounded like one of the trees outside was going to fall on the apartment. It would be such a nice day if the wind wasn't blowing dust everywhere!
Anyway, happy Monday! :)
Go listen to my future wedding song: Robin Thicke - Sweetest Love
why do people smile when no one's smiling?
it's cause they're thinking of someone they're loving
keep on believing we are meant to be
and nothings stopping us from going to heaven
sweetest love
i got the sweetest love
there ain't nothing sweeter
i got the sweetest love
ain't nothing beat it
there ain't nothing sweeter
it's cause they're thinking of someone they're loving
keep on believing we are meant to be
and nothings stopping us from going to heaven
sweetest love
i got the sweetest love
there ain't nothing sweeter
i got the sweetest love
ain't nothing beat it
there ain't nothing sweeter
keeps getting better.
The beginning of last week was really rough. School was really starting to build up and stress me out more and more that my patience was wearing thin regarding so many things. Plus, the fact that Cat was leaving soon was starting to sink in. Yeah, I know, she's going to come home soon.. blahblahblah.. that's my best friend so cut me some slack.
Anyway, all the stress from life built up and Wednesday night I just started crying nonstop while I vented to Richie. I felt really stupid, but it honestly made me feel so much better. The day after that was better, and then on Friday, I had one of my best lessons. It was just a good day all around [despite the fact that I didn't get to go drop Cat off at the airport :/].
This weekend was really productive and I had some free time to relax. Now I'm just trying to get things together for Wednesday for when I start my Literature Unit. From now on, I'll be teaching two full mornings and one full day every week at my elementary school. Wednesday should be interesting. Actually, Tuesday night should be interesting... when I'm freaking out about what I have to do in the morning. Ahhh!
Anyway, all the stress from life built up and Wednesday night I just started crying nonstop while I vented to Richie. I felt really stupid, but it honestly made me feel so much better. The day after that was better, and then on Friday, I had one of my best lessons. It was just a good day all around [despite the fact that I didn't get to go drop Cat off at the airport :/].
This weekend was really productive and I had some free time to relax. Now I'm just trying to get things together for Wednesday for when I start my Literature Unit. From now on, I'll be teaching two full mornings and one full day every week at my elementary school. Wednesday should be interesting. Actually, Tuesday night should be interesting... when I'm freaking out about what I have to do in the morning. Ahhh!
Monday, October 6, 2008
chocolate milk.
Alright, I know it's been a while.. oops. In the last post I said I'd be back "tomorrow." What I meant was.. today! Haha.
So anyway, last week I had sooo much due.
Seriously.. that should be the title of my blog! Haha.
Basically, I had 4 chapters to read from different textbooks, 2 articles to read, lesson plan evaluations to write, my weekly reflective journal to e-mail, 4 assignments to upload onto our portfolio website, and I had to write a minimum 7 page paper. Exhaustingggg. But at least I had the reward of a fun weekend out.
Last night I went to the library with Richie to study and help him write his essay. I'm glad we're able to study together without distracting each other. That way we can get things done and still see each other.. kinda. He's playing video games right now as I'm typing this. Glad I'm seeing him more than once a week as it's been for the past few weeks. Need to stay sane!
Hmm, what else to say? I feel like I'm just rambling. I just wanted to update since I haven't since September!
Okay, I guess I'll go and finish up some more work and finish my chocolate milk. I love chocolate milk.. makes me think of lunch time in elementary school. I miss those little mini cartons. :)
So anyway, last week I had sooo much due.
Seriously.. that should be the title of my blog! Haha.
Basically, I had 4 chapters to read from different textbooks, 2 articles to read, lesson plan evaluations to write, my weekly reflective journal to e-mail, 4 assignments to upload onto our portfolio website, and I had to write a minimum 7 page paper. Exhaustingggg. But at least I had the reward of a fun weekend out.
Last night I went to the library with Richie to study and help him write his essay. I'm glad we're able to study together without distracting each other. That way we can get things done and still see each other.. kinda. He's playing video games right now as I'm typing this. Glad I'm seeing him more than once a week as it's been for the past few weeks. Need to stay sane!
Hmm, what else to say? I feel like I'm just rambling. I just wanted to update since I haven't since September!
Okay, I guess I'll go and finish up some more work and finish my chocolate milk. I love chocolate milk.. makes me think of lunch time in elementary school. I miss those little mini cartons. :)
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.
It will make or break a company... a church... a home.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable.
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.”
- Charles R. Swindoll
Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.
It will make or break a company... a church... a home.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable.
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.”
- Charles R. Swindoll
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
i did it.
mood: satisfied
Yep, that's right. I survived teaching my first lesson. Today I taught the "Tens to 100" lesson during Math. I didn't look at my watch until 10:55am, when I realized, "crap, I'm teaching in five minutes." Haha. It wasn't too bad since the kids are really great and I was pretty comfortable.
So it was about two minutes into the lesson and in walks the principal. He does this everyday, but at different times, but I'm thinking "of course he walks in while I'm teaching my first lesson, great!" :/. [Better than him walking in while I'm doing nothing though, I suppose.].
Anyway, we got through the lesson pretty fast and I only blanked out once for like two seconds when I was writing on the board. It really is harder than you think to write something up on the board while you're figuring it out in your head. But yeah, I figured it out and we got through it. The students even finished their independent practice pretty quickly and they did it correctly!
After Math is lunch, so after the lesson we were getting ready to go and my master teacher told me I did a great job and that the lesson went smoothly, so I was relieved. She also gave me a paper with some notes which I still have to read. One student gave me a thumbs up and then started clapping so Mrs. Tyler said, "yeah, let's give her a round of applause -- that was her first time teaching, didn't she do a good job?" The students said "yes" and they all started applauding, it was pretty funny.
Overall, good first experience. Tomorrow I won't be as nervous!
Okay, time to take a nap before I do some homework. Hope everyone has a great day, be back tomorrow! :)
"There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you do not do them."
- Charles D. Gill
- Charles D. Gill
Monday, September 22, 2008
iced caramel macchiato.
mood: relaxed
music: robin thicke - against the world
mmmm, yummy.
So I came home about half an hour ago after I dropped some Starbucks off to Richie since he's studying. I just happened to get to his house right around midnight, when it turned to our 6 months. It's funny because I didn't plan to be there at that time, it just happened. After I left, "Knocks Me Off My Feet" was playing on the radio and I thought to myself, "aww it's a sign," haha. Crazy to think that it's only officially been 6 months, because it feels like forever [well maybe not forever, but a long time].
Well anyway, this post is just to say that I love you Richard Espino... and I'm looking forward to many, many, many more months to come :).

"These days it's hard to find someone to love
once you find them you don't wanna give up
it's just the two of us getting into love
it takes two of us to change the world
I got you, you got me
it's just me & you against the world..."
once you find them you don't wanna give up
it's just the two of us getting into love
it takes two of us to change the world
I got you, you got me
it's just me & you against the world..."
Friday, September 19, 2008
so sweet.
mood: happy
music: raphael saadiq - love that girl
Today was an incredibly tiring day, but a good one nonetheless. I'm getting comfortable with doing the morning routine, especially since my kids are so cooperative. Keeping my hopes high for next week when I begin teaching a lesson each day *crosses fingers*. I have Tuesday to work out my nerves and get a feel for it and then Wednesday my supervisor comes in to observe.
Anyway, I'm feeling good since I got a lot done this week. As of now, I am on top of all of my work! I read my assigned chapters, turned in my focused observations, and got my block plans checked for seminar. Finished my lesson plans for next week and got them approved by my master teacher. Finally turned in my sub packets and got my fingerprinting done. Good productive week.
Next week though, UCR classes start -- so hello to more Education classes (aka more work and more reading, as if there wasn't enough).
I will survive this year and not regret doing the combined Master's/credential program. I will.
But for now, I am going to relax and spend time with Richie, finally!
Be back next week, peace! :)
music: raphael saadiq - love that girl
Today was an incredibly tiring day, but a good one nonetheless. I'm getting comfortable with doing the morning routine, especially since my kids are so cooperative. Keeping my hopes high for next week when I begin teaching a lesson each day *crosses fingers*. I have Tuesday to work out my nerves and get a feel for it and then Wednesday my supervisor comes in to observe.
Anyway, I'm feeling good since I got a lot done this week. As of now, I am on top of all of my work! I read my assigned chapters, turned in my focused observations, and got my block plans checked for seminar. Finished my lesson plans for next week and got them approved by my master teacher. Finally turned in my sub packets and got my fingerprinting done. Good productive week.
Next week though, UCR classes start -- so hello to more Education classes (aka more work and more reading, as if there wasn't enough).
I will survive this year and not regret doing the combined Master's/credential program. I will.
But for now, I am going to relax and spend time with Richie, finally!
Be back next week, peace! :)
"They say a person needs just three things
to be truly happy in this world:
someone to love, something to do,
and something to hope for."
- Tom Bodett
to be truly happy in this world:
someone to love, something to do,
and something to hope for."
- Tom Bodett
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
and so it begins.
mood: entertained
I'm currently watching "Knocked Up" for the ten billionth time. Ah, I love this movie. :).
So, today Karen and I started the morning routine in our teachers' classrooms. We both walked over to the playground, picked up our kids, wished each other luck [Haha, :)] and then headed to our classrooms.
I took roll and did the lunch count easily, but the hard part was submitting the information online since there are so many different things to click on. Mrs. T helped me with it though, so it was alright. I was supposed to do the flag salute after, but it totally slipped my mind since we haven't been doing it regularly anyway. So, next I had to check three different homework assignments. I stamped their "Dragon Gets By" homework, checked to make sure they read their assigned reading books and had their parent sign the form, then we all checked the Math homework together.
The Math worksheet was confusing since there were two different columns and they weren't all numbered, but we got through it. I almost forgot to pass the new homework back out, but luckily Mrs. T reminded me. After that, we put everything away and did the flag salute. The whole morning wasn't too bad, we got through it, and now I know what I won't forget tomorrow! [Hopefully!]
Later on during the day, we had a few students who had problems with the Math lesson. The assignment was to make certain problems up after they were given an answer. For example: Write one addition problem and one subtraction problem to get 11.
This was confusing for one girl who has no number sense. I was trying to help her write a number sentence and we came up with 10 + ____ = 10, but she couldn't come up with what was supposed to go into the blank. I tried different strategies to help her and eventually she got the correct answer, but I'm not sure that she understood enough for the idea to stick in her mind. Hopefully we can make more progress tomorrow.
It's really hot right now, so I shall end this post here and go do some reading for seminar. Be back tomorrow!
"It's always the little decisions that have the biggest impact.
Do it because you love it. Then it's not a job."
- Mark Cuban
Do it because you love it. Then it's not a job."
- Mark Cuban
Saturday, September 13, 2008
mood: lazy
Thursday was Back to School Night. The principal introduced the teachers as well as the student teachers during the meeting, then we all went into our classrooms to finish setting up. The parents came in, signed in, and signed up for parent conferences. Then, my master teacher went over general things with the parents [Classroom rules, grading scale, daily schedule, etc.]. There was a pretty good turnout, 9 out of the 13 students' parents showed up. The night went by quickly, but I was tired from seminar and PACT earlier in the day. Anyway, went home and knocked out after that.
Friday, went to M.B. for the whole day. Did more observation and helped the kids with their work. The kids are so cute; they want to hug you all the time, haha. After school, had our weekly grade-level planning meeting. After that, we met individually with our supervisors to discuss our student teaching and the dates that they planned when we would teach our big units.
Starting Tuesday, I begin taking responsibility for the morning routine. Then, next week, I start teaching a lesson each day that I come in [Ahhhh!!]. Our big assignments for PACT when we teach units over 5 days are in October, December and January [one for Language Arts, one for Math, and one for Science]. Okay, time to go watch "Ocean's 13," bye!
"If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts;
but if he will be content to begin with doubts
he shall end in certainties."
- Sir Francis Bacon
but if he will be content to begin with doubts
he shall end in certainties."
- Sir Francis Bacon
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
just live your life.
mood: optimistic
music: t.i. & rihanna - live your life
My master teacher had me work with a small group during Math today. The students were having trouble understanding related facts, so I worked with them using manipulatives and white-boards. I made up problems and had them write on the white-boards and say each step out loud so that they were aware of what they were doing. We kept solving problems until they were ready to go back to their seats and catch up with the rest of the class on the Math worksheet.
They all eventually understood the concept, but one of the girls really improved and it made me really happy to see that. However, she needs to physically see the problem or have someone in front of her for her to actually focus on the work, so we'll need to figure out how to help her more.
Anyway, it was a good day at M.B. today, despite the testing left over from yesterday :/. Looking forward to the weeks to come!
I came home and received some presents in the mail: some free tampons and pads from CVS [Haha, random!] and my Social Security replacement card that I was waiting on. So I guess this means I have to get off my butt and finally fill out the entire substitute packet. Then I have to pay some bills, head to the post office and do some homework before tonight.
"You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when.
You can only decide how you're going to live. Now."
You can only decide how you're going to live. Now."
- Joan Baez
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
catch up.
I haven't updated in almost a week? What the heck? The days just pass by so fast, I guess.
So since the last post, I went to my school again on Friday which was a minimum day [Fridays are always minimum days], but the day wasn't over at 1pm. After school, we had a faculty meeting since the board of education came to congratulate the staff on a job well done last year. After that, we had grade level planning for the following week. We finally left to go home around 3:30pm.
On Saturday, went to the Regine Velasquez and Lani Misalucha concert with mi familia. Those two women are amazing singers, but the concert was pretty much two hours of both of them showing off. [Still love you Regine! :)] Sunday we went to the cathedral in L.A. for a big celebration of Mother Mary's birthday which was followed by a dinner reception [9 courses! yum].
Took a break all day Monday [yay!] but I couldn't sleep until around 1am, I don't know why! Today we started our regular schedule of two mornings and all day Friday at Mission Bell. The kids were just doing testing all day so I was pretty much just sitting and observing today. I was exhausted since I barely slept, so that wasn't fun, but luckily I had a chance to get out of the classroom to interview the principal, office staff and librarian for one of our assignments. I came home, knocked out for a while and woke up to the gross heat. :/ Not fun. But I got a lot of work done today, so I'm happy.
I'm excited for tomorrow: morning at M.B., then time with Richie before we head to the surprise dinner, yay! :)
So since the last post, I went to my school again on Friday which was a minimum day [Fridays are always minimum days], but the day wasn't over at 1pm. After school, we had a faculty meeting since the board of education came to congratulate the staff on a job well done last year. After that, we had grade level planning for the following week. We finally left to go home around 3:30pm.
On Saturday, went to the Regine Velasquez and Lani Misalucha concert with mi familia. Those two women are amazing singers, but the concert was pretty much two hours of both of them showing off. [Still love you Regine! :)] Sunday we went to the cathedral in L.A. for a big celebration of Mother Mary's birthday which was followed by a dinner reception [9 courses! yum].
Took a break all day Monday [yay!] but I couldn't sleep until around 1am, I don't know why! Today we started our regular schedule of two mornings and all day Friday at Mission Bell. The kids were just doing testing all day so I was pretty much just sitting and observing today. I was exhausted since I barely slept, so that wasn't fun, but luckily I had a chance to get out of the classroom to interview the principal, office staff and librarian for one of our assignments. I came home, knocked out for a while and woke up to the gross heat. :/ Not fun. But I got a lot of work done today, so I'm happy.
I'm excited for tomorrow: morning at M.B., then time with Richie before we head to the surprise dinner, yay! :)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
nonstop paperwork.
Today was our first day of seminar and PACT [Performance Assessment for California Teachers]. We got tons more paperwork and went over more of the requirements for this quarter. Thank god I've already started a calendar to map out all of my due dates or else I'd be really overwhelmed.
At the beginning of seminar, our supervisor had us answer three questions about our first day of school at our elementary school, which was yesterday. Although I don't remember it word for word, this is pretty much what I wrote:
1. The thing that surprised me the most was that a lot of the students didn't know their last name. When asked to write their first and last name at the top of their papers, I noticed that many of them had to keep checking their name tag so that they could copy it. [Later, my master teacher told me that learning how to write their first and last name is a standard in Kindergarten. I guess these kids forgot everything over the summer. Makes me wonder if year-round might be better.. hmm].
2. The thing that I expected to happen but didn't was that the students would be rowdy. Overall, the students were good stayed on task. [My master teacher told me that the first day/week is very telling of how the rest of the year will go. Even though there were a couple kids that we were told to keep an eye on, the class was pretty well-behaved so hopefully that's a good sign].
3. The most important thing that I learned was to keep transitions smooth and connect everything. [Mrs. T was constantly referring to things that she taught in Language Arts while she was teaching Science and it's good to point that out and reiterate to students].
Okay, time to go organize my life, haha. Bye for now!
At the beginning of seminar, our supervisor had us answer three questions about our first day of school at our elementary school, which was yesterday. Although I don't remember it word for word, this is pretty much what I wrote:
1. The thing that surprised me the most was that a lot of the students didn't know their last name. When asked to write their first and last name at the top of their papers, I noticed that many of them had to keep checking their name tag so that they could copy it. [Later, my master teacher told me that learning how to write their first and last name is a standard in Kindergarten. I guess these kids forgot everything over the summer. Makes me wonder if year-round might be better.. hmm].
2. The thing that I expected to happen but didn't was that the students would be rowdy. Overall, the students were good stayed on task. [My master teacher told me that the first day/week is very telling of how the rest of the year will go. Even though there were a couple kids that we were told to keep an eye on, the class was pretty well-behaved so hopefully that's a good sign].
3. The most important thing that I learned was to keep transitions smooth and connect everything. [Mrs. T was constantly referring to things that she taught in Language Arts while she was teaching Science and it's good to point that out and reiterate to students].
Okay, time to go organize my life, haha. Bye for now!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
one down.
Today was the first day of school for my elementary kids! It was interesting observing things that I will eventually have to do [pick the kids up in the morning, drop them off for recess, etc]. Right now we only have 13 students and most of them are pretty quiet. Of course there are the ones that can't stop fidgeting and those that never raise their hand, but overall it's not too bad. The kids seem pretty sweet and for the most part stay on task.
The whole day went pretty smoothly, and I'm hoping that when I start taking over and teaching lessons it will go the same. :/ [I'm trying to stay positive here, haha].
Alright, time to start filling out my sub packets and get my stuff together for my first day of seminar and PACT tomorrow, yay!
The whole day went pretty smoothly, and I'm hoping that when I start taking over and teaching lessons it will go the same. :/ [I'm trying to stay positive here, haha].
Alright, time to start filling out my sub packets and get my stuff together for my first day of seminar and PACT tomorrow, yay!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
"i just want to celebrate another day of living
i just want to celebrate another day of life..."
i just want to celebrate another day of life..."
mood: excited
Alright, I haven't posted in a while so let me update. I've been having faculty meetings and staff development at my school and it's pretty fun, but I'm ready to start the school year! Tomorrow is the first day of school... eeeek! It's gonna be interesting.
So last Thursday, we had a class meeting for one of our Education courses that deals with technology. During the meeting, our professor started talking about myspace, facebook, etc. Then she said: "This is the time to start cleaning up your image.... or create aliases."
I thought it was funny.. but at the same time true, cause we don't want our students or our students' parents to see/read things that they might not think is appropriate so bye bye went my facebook [It's alright, I only went on it to play Word Challenge].
There's more that I wanted to say, but my mind went blank and I'm trying to watch "Lucky You" on tv as I write this. Okay, I'm too lazy to try to think about it right now so I'll be back tomorrow! :)
Alright, I haven't posted in a while so let me update. I've been having faculty meetings and staff development at my school and it's pretty fun, but I'm ready to start the school year! Tomorrow is the first day of school... eeeek! It's gonna be interesting.
So last Thursday, we had a class meeting for one of our Education courses that deals with technology. During the meeting, our professor started talking about myspace, facebook, etc. Then she said: "This is the time to start cleaning up your image.... or create aliases."
I thought it was funny.. but at the same time true, cause we don't want our students or our students' parents to see/read things that they might not think is appropriate so bye bye went my facebook [It's alright, I only went on it to play Word Challenge].
There's more that I wanted to say, but my mind went blank and I'm trying to watch "Lucky You" on tv as I write this. Okay, I'm too lazy to try to think about it right now so I'll be back tomorrow! :)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
say it, say it again.
i love you, always forever
near or far, closer together
So I am in love with, it's amazing! haha. Well, I like it.. so go try. Just type a song or an artist that you like and it'll create a radio station for you to listen to with a bunch of songs in the same style. So instead of me having to go make a playlist on my laptop and listening to the same songs on repeat for hours, I can just type something I want to listen to and have an endless playlist. Yay!near or far, closer together
Since my last post, I attended orientation [which I was late to, can you believe that?! Long story, so we'll leave that out]. I also met my cohort and had meetings along with them and my supervisor -- the best supervisor ever! :)
On Monday, we went to the school that I am assigned to as well as two other girls from my cohort. Met my master teacher [whom I also love!!] and found out that I will be teaching second grade, yay!
Earlier today, I sat through my first faculty meeting with the two other girls at my school from 8am-2:30pm. [Btw, the school is about 15 minutes away from Riverside, going West... which means we go with traffic, so we wake up at the butt crack of dawn. But it's alright, cause I like waking up early, especially since it's not so hot in the morning!] Then I had my last day of summer session, thank god! Sat through lecture, took the final, went home and passed out. Next week my elementary [M.B.] starts.. dun dun dun...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
mood: anxious
I am currently recovering from getting shot.. by my doctor, haha. I hate needles!
Anyway, today is my last day until I officially start my Master's of Education / Multiple Subject Teaching Credential program!
Orientation is tomorrow morning at 8am.. then our cohort meetings and school visits begin on Monday! It wont get tooo crazy until the end of September when UCR is back in session and I add 19 units to the mix. Ahh, I'm excited for the year ahead of me. Wish me luck! :)
Bye for now, gonna attempt to make Pad Thai with my paralyzed arm, haha. :)
I am currently recovering from getting shot.. by my doctor, haha. I hate needles!
Anyway, today is my last day until I officially start my Master's of Education / Multiple Subject Teaching Credential program!
Orientation is tomorrow morning at 8am.. then our cohort meetings and school visits begin on Monday! It wont get tooo crazy until the end of September when UCR is back in session and I add 19 units to the mix. Ahh, I'm excited for the year ahead of me. Wish me luck! :)
Bye for now, gonna attempt to make Pad Thai with my paralyzed arm, haha. :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
mood: curious
So here's yet another blog to add to my collection. I actually deleted all of the old posts that used to be on this site though [mainly because I couldn't think of a new address.. and also because those posts were just way too old and filled with the 'drama' of past years, haha].
Anyway, I'm about to start a new experience in my life: grad school. While it will only be one year, I'm prepared for it to possibly -- most likely -- be the most stressful and tedious, yet most rewarding year at Riverside [or school in general]. This will be my little space for recording the year ahead of me.. to remember things I've learned, little memories, and also for venting purposes ;).
Here's my warning so you can't get mad at me for constantly talking about this program: If you don't wanna read about it, then don't come here!
k bah :)
So here's yet another blog to add to my collection. I actually deleted all of the old posts that used to be on this site though [mainly because I couldn't think of a new address.. and also because those posts were just way too old and filled with the 'drama' of past years, haha].
Anyway, I'm about to start a new experience in my life: grad school. While it will only be one year, I'm prepared for it to possibly -- most likely -- be the most stressful and tedious, yet most rewarding year at Riverside [or school in general]. This will be my little space for recording the year ahead of me.. to remember things I've learned, little memories, and also for venting purposes ;).
Here's my warning so you can't get mad at me for constantly talking about this program: If you don't wanna read about it, then don't come here!
k bah :)
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