Wednesday, August 20, 2008


mood: curious

So here's yet another blog to add to my collection. I actually deleted all of the old posts that used to be on this site though [mainly because I couldn't think of a new address.. and also because those posts were just way too old and filled with the 'drama' of past years, haha].

Anyway, I'm about to start a new experience in my life: grad school. While it will only be one year, I'm prepared for it to possibly -- most likely -- be the most stressful and tedious, yet most rewarding year at Riverside [or school in general]. This will be my little space for recording the year ahead of me.. to remember things I've learned, little memories, and also for venting purposes ;).

Here's my warning so you can't get mad at me for constantly talking about this program: If you don't wanna read about it, then don't come here!


k bah :)

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