Thursday, January 8, 2009


So I was sitting inside Watkins Hall for our technology class meeting when everything started shaking. We all just sat there like.. "oh, we're shaking..." Haha. No one moved except for one girl who jumped up and was about to start running. It was pretty funny. Our instructor decided that we should record our experience on the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program website. Apparently, they use the information that people send in to help determine the magnitude of the earthquake. Pretty cool, go there and fill it out.

Okay, now on to the bigger news... I found out today that I am going to be teaching 6th grade for my second placement! Just as I wanted before.. a big jump, and a big challenge. Of course I anticipate that I will complain and wish that I could have it easier, but now is the time for me to experience students at different ages and see what I really want to teach. I'm pretty scared [for lack of a better word] to teach 6th because the curriculum will be different than what I'm used to, but I never know.. I might end up really loving it.

Since in 6th grade they are learning about World History in Social Studies, that's what my big unit of 26 lessons will be on. Hopefully that will be fun. Haha. Just thinking about it all day long while we talked about the requirements in class today was not.

Alright.. time to write lesson plans. Next week is when I get videotaped for my Math Teaching Event. <--- The "make or break"/ "high-stakes" / pretty much deciding factor of whether I will recieve my credential or not [in addition to passing my classes]. Ah!!!!

1 comment:

heysupernay said...

Good luck Laura!!!! Ahh! Now I feel bad for bugging you that one night! Love you bitach!