Sunday, November 2, 2008

fall back.

Yay I got my car back finally! It has returned to me after 2 months! Ahh!

Anyway, so today was a good day. Claire and I went back home because we were planning on taking the rest of our things out of my grandma's house [my uncle is turning the room into an office]. Instead, we spent time with my parents, aunt, uncle, and grandma. :) We ate at Jollibee, then went to visit my grandpa at the cemetery. There were so many people there; it's nice to see people visiting their loved ones. Anyway, we prayed for a bit, then Claire, my mom, and I went to Brea mall. I picked up my contacts and then we did some shopping.

Now I am home planning out my week and counting down the days to VEGAS! I am so excited! Even though the past few weekends have already been fun and relaxing, I'm looking forward to some hard core partying. Haha.

I've been trying really hard lately to make a decision about what I want to do next year. Should I take a break? Just take some time off to BREATHE, and just sub whenever I want to. OR... Should I just jump into teaching right after graduating?

I wont even have the summer off, since I'll be finishing up my Master classes until August.. AND there's usually training in the summer for first-year teachers.

AH, I don't know, but I need to decide by January since that's supposedly when we start interviews and whatnot. I'll probably go back and forth with my decision, but like I've said... knowing me, I wont be satisfied with only being a sub. I know that I'll want my own classroom, and my own kids -- I want to matter! Not that I'm saying subs are pointless. Ahh!

But on the other hand, I have the rest of my life to work! Man. See what I mean?

Okay, no more thinking about this for now. I can't wait for Christmas! Or just winter time in general, I LOVE IT! :) I've been hearing holiday music in stores already, and even though I'm thinking that it's too early to hear, it's making me want the holidays! Ooh, I want to go to New York! Haha, I feel really random right now. I think I'll watch last week's episode of "Desperate Housewives" before I catch up on some work. Bye for now! Turn your clocks back! :)

1 comment:

heysupernay said...

Oh my goodness! I need to catch up on Desperate Housewives! VEGAS VEGAS VEGAS!!!! I'm excited for the Christmas season also! =) Are you and ritach down for big bear in december?