Thursday, November 6, 2008

miss it.

I started packing for Vegas and decided to play random music from my laptop, when all of a sudden "Like You'll Never See Me Again" started playing. I realized how much I love that song and how old it is! Haha. Anyway, I stopped what I was doing and really listened. I really felt like watching a video of a dance to the song, so I looked around on youtube. I watched some videos which kept leading me to different videos [some which really sucked], but in the end it made me realize -- I MISS DANCING!!! :(

I haven't performed or even just danced since our last 909 performance which was in June! I didn't realize how much I miss it until today. Even earlier today, during my classes, I kept accidentally kicking my friends sitting across from me because my feet just wanted to move for some reason!

I really wish I had the time to dance.

I know, I know.. you make time for the things you want to do. I've heard it before and I say it all the time. But honestly, I just don't have the energy.. even if I had the time. Also, I know that if I just took a few classes here and there, then it wouldn't be enough. It'd have to be all or nothing.

Does that make sense? Sometimes if you just have a little taste of something you haven't done in a while, then you wanna just dive right back into it... and right now, I can't afford that! I need to stay focused. It's all about work, work work. I guess this is what it feels like to grow up... :/

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