Tuesday, November 4, 2008

yes, we can.

Yay Obama! During class tonight, one of the professors down the hall kept coming in and updating us on the results, which was pretty exciting. Our professor actually let us out early for once, so once I got home, I turned the news on. I tried getting some work done, but Obama distracted me!

I've never really cared for politics, although I always knew that I should. I remember back in 2004, when Jon tried to talk about it with me and Cat in our dorm room. Haha, that was interesting.

Anyway, I would try to watch the candidates speak, but they never really engaged me. Then came Barack Obama. He's such a good speaker. Not to mention, he's pretty damn handsome. ;) Man, I bet if I was there listening to his speech in person I would have cried for him. I haven't talked to my mom yet, but I'm pretty sure she's upset. Haha. [She's Republican all the way].

Sorry Mom! In my heart I voted for Obama [I won't discuss the reasons why I couldn't vote... :( I tried though].

Anyway, I also say NO on Proposition 8.
Yeah, yeah.. I know I should agree with my religion. But I don't. That's just the way I feel about it; I don't want to discriminate. Maybe I don't know all I should know about it, but from what I do -- that's what I say.

Okay, I shall stop now, because I'm not sure if I'm saying exactly what I felt like saying. Haha. So back to work I go! If you love Obama, go celebrate! And if not, like Fox News said, "Get over it pleeeease! We're going in a new direction."

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