Sunday, December 7, 2008


I canNOT concentrate! AH!

What bad timing, too. My final paper is due tomorrow, I have my exit interview on Wednesday, and my Science Unit due on Thursday. After that -- smooth sailing to the 19th and it's Christmas break. Yay!

This paper is draining the life out of me. I've been reading a bunch of education articles about the achievement gap and how to close it. Basically, we have to study different schools and focus on one problem, then apply an educational theory that will lead lower income students, minority students, and ELL students towards success. Not that hard to write 5-7 pages, but I'm just lagging.


Anyway, if you're bored... go try this:

Claire sent me the link last night and I figured out 19 of them. 19+ = Genius. I should just forget my paper and quit school. I'm a genius, for crying out loud! Haha. Here's a tip though: It's addicting, but don't waste too much time on it. [I googled the answers for the rest that I couldn't figure out... and its a good thing I did, cause I would've wasted a lot of time trying to figure out things that I didn't know.]

Oh, one last thing.. I got my paycheck in the mail! Yay!!!


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