Thursday, December 11, 2008


I finished my big Science Unit and I feel gooood. Haha. I'm just glad to have that over with. I also had my exit conference earlier this morning which went well. I found out I'm switching to either 4th or 5th for my next placement [or a 4th/5th combo]. I'm excited. I was scared to go to 6th, but I knew I would step up to the challenge [well, I'd have to, haha] if I ended up there. But yeah, like I've said before -- everything happens for a reason.

Anyways.. I just wanted to blog cause I have a break FINALLY!
I'm going in to sub tomorrow and Friday AND Monday! Yay money! My poor DCT has jury duty though. I wonder when my next jury duty is.. yuck.

Man, I still smell like boiling crab from yesterday. Good times, girls! :)

Will and Grace is on tv right now and Karen is practicing CPR.. reminds me that I still have to take care of that before the end of Winter quarter.

Okay I guess I should sleep now. Weeeee... goodnight!

1 comment:

heysupernay said...

yay! boiling crab! nom nom nommmm!!! cant wait to burn things, and start new year's resolutions with you girls! Woop! Love you! bring me to show and tell!!!!