Wednesday, September 3, 2008

one down.

Today was the first day of school for my elementary kids! It was interesting observing things that I will eventually have to do [pick the kids up in the morning, drop them off for recess, etc]. Right now we only have 13 students and most of them are pretty quiet. Of course there are the ones that can't stop fidgeting and those that never raise their hand, but overall it's not too bad. The kids seem pretty sweet and for the most part stay on task.

The whole day went pretty smoothly, and I'm hoping that when I start taking over and teaching lessons it will go the same. :/ [I'm trying to stay positive here, haha].

Alright, time to start filling out my sub packets and get my stuff together for my first day of seminar and PACT tomorrow, yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww, i'm so proud of you! go get'm!!!