Friday, September 19, 2008

so sweet.

mood: happy
music: raphael saadiq - love that girl

Today was an incredibly tiring day, but a good one nonetheless. I'm getting comfortable with doing the morning routine, especially since my kids are so cooperative. Keeping my hopes high for next week when I begin teaching a lesson each day *crosses fingers*. I have Tuesday to work out my nerves and get a feel for it and then Wednesday my supervisor comes in to observe.

Anyway, I'm feeling good since I got a lot done this week. As of now, I am on top of all of my work! I read my assigned chapters, turned in my focused observations, and got my block plans checked for seminar. Finished my lesson plans for next week and got them approved by my master teacher. Finally turned in my sub packets and got my fingerprinting done. Good productive week.

Next week though, UCR classes start -- so hello to more Education classes (aka more work and more reading, as if there wasn't enough).

I will survive this year and not regret doing the combined Master's/credential program. I will.

But for now, I am going to relax and spend time with Richie, finally!
Be back next week, peace! :)

"They say a person needs just three things
to be truly happy in this world:

someone to love, something to do,
and something to hope for."
- Tom Bodett

1 comment:

heysupernay said...

:) YAY BITACH! i love you! study date soon?